Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Journey Into Ahava And The Hunger For More

When you get saved you're accepting Jesus and He is taking your life and giving you His. When you make Him Lord, he only becomes Lord when you obey Him. We spend years in the word to the point where you 'know it is the bible" but need to find out where. You listen to many teachings and sort our things that may be confusing. As time goes on you want more.

After the honeymoon period you start to thirst and hunger for more. You realize you must get rid of things that contradict your walk with Him. Music, books, tv, people, family, etc whatever is necessary. You go lower in humility, learn to be teachable. You start on the healing process of all the soul wounds you had gotten and forgiving others.

Then you go into the repentance. - cleaning out your gateways, untethering yourself from the earth that has bound you. Getting deliverance from the demonic and mindsets passed down from generation to generation. Learning who you are as a son, a king, and through teachings like Ian Clayton, learn that there are the 4 faces of God, order of Melchizdeck. You are learning then to walk in all four faces. Stepping IN and becoming one with Him as He is one with you.

Part of that is going into heaven for ascending to begin to resinate with His heavenly frequency and to do things from Heaven that will affect earth. You learn that your life is a mountain, with other mountains of influence. You slay your dragons that are threatening your mountain. You learn to rule as a king and as a priest in heaven. Speak oracles of God- in prophetic utterances, speaking things like the King in decrees, Legislate and bring about changes that would be 'on earth as it is in heaven.

You learn to grow and go deeper - learning the mysteries of heaven. Secret things from before the first flood. You begin to understand that Heaven has its frequency and is from original creation. You begin to understand that you can get things from heaven and bring them down to change the earth. You also learn to mingle with, learn from the cloud of witnesses. You learn that God wants to change earth into what was before the first flood on the earth.

Part of the inner healing is liebusting, going to courts, cleansing autosomes, repentance,- getting your DNA cleaned up so your autosome would be as pure as Jesus. Part of the resonation with heaven is - Oils, Freq music, and going to heaven itself. Some of our experiences have been on our ascending are:
  • Going to orphans and refuge camps.
  • Going to other planets with other life, and galaxies.
  • Going to rooms in heaven, gardens, waterfalls, music room, room of inventions.
  • Going to the Fathers throne and sit on His lap. 
  • Learning about the future and how to work with the cloud of witnesses
  • Going to the ball room eating at His table.
  • Working with the angels.
  • Weapons room, library, scroll room.
  • Creating in the the dimensions.
  • Mountain of the Father and so forth.

I am writing this all out as a sketch of the journey that has been taken for many to help you understand a flow. The journey leads us to Ahava ( LOVE IN HEBREW) - and more of Ahava. To get to the one who loves you, to glorify Him on the earth. When you practice getting cleaned up and learning heaven as your true home, you begin to understand your sonship. You begin to understand your mandate of what was written for you do on earth before you came.

The More you reflect and be HIM - and as you step into the four faces of God in the YOD HEY VAV HEY- You are HIM on the EARTH. The more you repent and the enemy has no more real estate in you- the more your are filled with His light. and the less darkness you carry.  In all these things you begin to transited and transrelocate. Things accelerate.

Do you want to join us on the journey ?
Shalom and Selah.

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