Friday, May 8, 2015



I noticed that those who stick with something, even when they get discouraged will and are rewarded. Those who leave and give up - cut themselves short. Once the Lord told me that some abort their destiny.

I see people who are perseverant on THE REV and go to each event, and they are rewarded. That goes with any place where God has set you in.  However - we are all at a different place spiritually and you will grow as much as you want to grow. Some things get birthed through much weeping and grieving.

Once during a trial Jesus came and said, Don't you know you are pregnant with twins or something to that affect - birthing destiny - is what he meant.. Many trials come to people who are called - I welcome the fire and the purging because the desire is to get closer to Him.  You don't always remember you asked for that- and some trials are for the other persons purging not your own believe it or not.

Some people in older leadership - but were very needed and are still- like Paul Keith Davis, are showing signs of purging because they wanted to get closer to God. Many sorrows can be avoided by cleansing the bloodline, and other cleansing DNA like lie busters. Not all leaders know about or are doing this. He hasn't completely grasp all things God is doing.

Desire the purging, the chasing of the purifying the cleaving to the fire. I once saw the angel that was fire, knowing he was the purging one, and said I want that, and practically hugged it. I want it because I want Him. I had an dream where angels set my house on fire, and i went into the living room and Jesus came, engulfed in flames and with a big smile on his face- he reached out to take my hand to pull me out of where i was at.

I pray for the Ekklessia of the Most High people and THE REV and ask the Lord to give you another level. I ask that the Lord would open your eyes to the prize of Him. What you are fighting for, what you are pressing in for. What you are suffering for.

He is good and graceful and
When you feel sad - trust him
When you feel alone - trust him.
When you feel despair - trust him
When you feel left out - trust Him
When you are hurting - trust Him
When you are abandoned by others - trust Him
When you are attacked and misunderstood - trust Him
And think positive because the Lord isn't done yet, and He is good and He is fair, He is just and He loves you!

Shalom and Blessing

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