Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Idle words and the frequency of matter

Idle words and the frequency of matter

During a visitation, I asked the Lord – why does the bible say, for every idle word, a man must give an account? Please give me understanding. So I am on my face, one of the best places to be- and He began to explain this.

The Lord showed me how we were connected to each other in spirit and when someone thinks of you or prays about you- you pick that up in the spirit. So many times I ‘felt’ prayers and knew who they were coming from. On the other side of it, I also ‘felt’ people talking about me, and sensing and knowing it. I pick up things often from others when we do events, sometimes warfare.. some times a need to meet to pray for another etc. Yes I have the Holy Spirit and that is one way we sense things, however, its known in the scientist communities that our thoughts are affecting whole communities. You can find much of this on youtube.

There was an experiment done once where a person was told, just think and feel sad, and in a closed room they were put, they  sent another person in for a few moments and neither of them were allowed to speak. They took them out and ask the one person, what did you feel? The person coming out would always feel the feeling that the other person was purposely thinking about. They picked up their emotions in the atmosphere. As many of us know.. our heart thinks, and has a frequency around it that it gives off. So what you think about and what you say comes out of your being, it is felt in the atmosphere.

So Jesus said to me when an idle word comes up out of you – you speak it-  it is like a gray vibration, and it sits and lingers in the atmosphere for decades. So that affects our souls and our spirits and we can get dark ‘vibrational frequency’ from others. You can pick up their thoughts or their words. So negative frequency puts a darkness in a person who is can be defiled by it. If you speak a negative to someone, it penetrates their soul and spirit like darkness in matter or a substance. Many times I have pulled out ‘arrows or knifes’ from peoples backs in the spirit that came from verbal attacks.

ALSO the opposite is true, you are affected with the positive blessing, positive words are vibrations and come at a higher frequency. Heavenly matter vibrates at a higher frequency while the lower frequency is what earth is. Sometimes there is a clash, Sometimes I had seen many demons and angels at war. I would just go up in the spirit and command that demon to go, and it had to leave and the angel and I won the battle.

As you know – the greatest of “these” is love and that is the highest frequency of all, and can trump all others. This is also known in the new age, and scientific communities. That is why the word says’ love never fails’. It trumps the darker matter with the Light – the Light shines in the darkness, not the other way around, and displaces it. So when you are feeling the negative you are picking up a deficit, you can turn that and flip it to a positive by thinking and speaking positive. ( worship ) That is why Jesus said, be-careful that the ‘light’ in you is not darkness – if it is O how great is that darkness Jesus said so, like a substance of darkness. A void. I saw what looked like brain synopsis in the vision and that we are like connected in like manner and that frequency and light and vibration goes to one another. It as if the universe is one giant brain or the spirit behind it.

So often times, we pick up things in the spirit. Sometimes these are words and strong emotions. Remember that all matter has memory. What does that mean? The words and actions giving off frequency is absorbed into the matter.

I once read of a persons out of body experience where they went into one room and the wood desk and shelves and items were grieving because of the person who used them were in an adulterous  affair, and that sin was hurting them. The desk, came from a living source, a tree. One another time, He – out of his body because he died, went into another room that was used by a believer and the desk and items there were happy to serve this person, a believer of God. Water too has memory frequency as all matter does. This will bring you understanding as to the scripture  “ THE WHOLE EARTH GROANS for the  manifest sons of God to be made know” WHY? Because they are looking for freedom from the sin committed. - since it is absorbing the memory of words spoken and thoughts and deeds. Once I was outside and I started to worship God. I saw and felt as if all of creation around me was not only looking at me, but they were somehow getting relief from their torment of sin of man. It was like giving them great joy and relief. That is when that scripture came to mind all creation groans and that God is showing me that this why they are waiting, they are needing blessing from us by worshiping the Lord and blessing them – the trees, the grass, the clouds the sky. Such Joy was felt IN the creation around me. They want the life and the light of God. They NEED it.

So the idle word, that is not positioned to do something – sits stagnant in the air and atmosphere and becomes like a gray matter. Remember the word, Faith is a SUBSTANCE? Faith being a substance “of things hoped for,’ yet unseen, - meaning that faith is matter, hanging in the air.. ready to come into existence, ready to manifest.. because we framed it- but if you speak idle words it is gray matter, - neither good nor bad, but like the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.. it is both, black and white  which makes grey. Reminds me of the scripture "you are neither hot nor cold, so I will vomit you out of my mouth." So Jesus felt sick – it sickened him. Make a choice – but don’t waste it. No wonder fence sitters are one of the most miserable people because they are riding in-between. Just as an idle word does nothing. People in compromise in their faith in Christ can't bear good fruit that can last. 

We will give an account of the idle words because that COULD HAVE BEEN a GOOD word in which you could of sent forth a blessing and that in-turn- affects both people and earth and it goes way out into the galaxies.

The Lord showed me that as we worship, the worship and positive glory to God goes out into the universe, then comes back and blesses the earth. It is like rain if you will, and it brings light and glory to all the universe and brings life to the earth. If you curse something it can wither as you notice in the scriptures Jesus did that. If you bless it – it brings life. Many examples of this on youtube, in the snow and ice crystals and the rice experiments. One of the experiments involving the rice, there were three jars. One jar had been blessed by the person every day, the second jar was cursed and the third  jar was IGNORED. So.. the ignored rice, represents the ‘idle’ word. The cursed rice was rotting and so was the ignored rice, getting gross, and yet the blessed rice was healthy looking and doing quite well. The ignored rice is like the idle word. Grey, not bearing good fruit, not growing love.

We are to terraforming the universe. The earth and all that is around us. The key is love.  The more WE become cleaned up by repentance and removal of the bad vibrational frequency stored in our DNA through sin, the more POWER we will have to change things. Why? Because satan can not create, so evil can’t create, it can not speak life into things nor things into existence. If you are vibrating and emanating darkness and grey substance and not the creative light, you can not speak life and creative matter into existence. Your words have power but is it good or bad power? Do you side with your enemy to destroy or to build up. The more light you have in you, the more you power you carry as a son of God. We have that power as a son AS our genetics become more and more purified through repentance.

Satan is a legalist and when we go to court – and repent, it wipes it from our records but also our DNA – as a result we become like Jesus, sinless, spotless and can transfigure like Jesus. Jesus is white light – the Father is the Father of heavenly lights, brighter than the sun..He is pure. Pure pure, clean, without any dirt- the scriptures say’ he has no darkness in Him at ALL. So next time you think or speak negative, or speak and idle word, remember that the grey and the darkness, is partnering with the enemy. The idle word is a wasted breath and as sons of God who speak, the Ruach of God the breath of God, we must speak life and truth and light. So as He is, so we are and will be. Shalom and Selah

Paula MinGucci

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